Monday, December 18, 2023

"If You Give a Mouse A Cookie"

 Today we read "If You Give a Mouse A Cookie." 

The children have been "reading" this book independently. Today was a perfect day to talk all about this story! 

We read the story as a class at first. We then re-capped the events of this story and talked about our favorite parts of the story. Children then drew their favorite part or something they remembered from the story. 


ELA 1.3 Demonstrate ability to engage in conversations
ELA 2.3: Demonstrate awareness and understanding of concepts of print
ELA 2.4: Demonstrate comprehension
ELA 3.2: Demonstrate ability to communicate a story 
SW1.1: Demonstrate self awareness and confidence 
APL2.1: Demonstrate development of flexible thinking skills during play 
APL3.1: Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence 

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