Monday, January 27, 2025

Comparing Our Heights to Penguins

 Today, we dove into a story called "The Penguin Book: Birds in Suits". This book is nonfiction, and the children were thrilled to learn more about penguins. Before we started the story, we charted things we think about when we think of penguins. 

After reading the story, children talked with the teacher about something they learned from the story. Some quotes are below:
"I can't believe penguins cannot fly!" 
"There are 17 kinds of penguins." 
"They have rubber spikeys in their mouth to eat fish." 
"Penguins eat lots of fish." 
"The daddy stays with the eggs." 
"The mommy feeds the baby when she comes home." 

After talking about the story, we talked about the heights of the different species of penguins. We taped a tape measure to the wall and then compared our heights with the height of different penguin species and wrote how many inches tall we are. 


ELA 2.3: Demonstrate awareness and understanding of concepts of print
ELA 3.1: Demonstrate mechanics of writing 
M2.1: Exhibit understanding of mathematical structure 
M3.1: Demonstrate understanding of classifying
M5.2 Understand measurement through description and comparison 

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