Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Happy Wednesday!

Today was we worked on a lot of different things! We stayed busy, had lots of fun, and talked about many things! We began the day by talking about the number four! We did free play with a variety of toys, a big paper with four all over it, wrote the word four and the number 4, adding numbers to make the numbers to make the number four, and show and tell! 

After talking about the number four, we adventured down to the atelier with all kinds of activities! We painted with penguins frozen on ice, made penguins out of paper, drew with sharpies on aluminum foil, played with play dough, and painted! 


ELA 1.3 Demonstrate ability to engage in conversations
M1.1: Demonstrate strong sense of counting
M1.2: Demonstrate understanding of written numerals
M1.3: Recognition of number relations
M2.1: Exhibit understanding of mathematical structure
SC1.1: Demonstrate ability to explore objects in the physical world
SC1.2: Demonstrate awareness of the physical properties of objects
APL1.1: Demonstrate initiative and self-direction
APL1.2: Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner
APL2.1: Demonstrate development of flexible thinking skills during play 
APL3.1: Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
APL4.1: Demonstrate development of social interactions during play
CA3.1: Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process or experience
CA3.2: Demonstrate creative expression through visual art production and presentation 

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