Today was ALL ABOUT ME DAY! We drew pictures of ourselves and our peers during free play, wrote our names and our friends' names, and read books about our body parts! We also did show and tell with our favorite things from home or in the classroom! We finished the morning off with tracing our bodies and decorating them before coming up with three words to describe ourselves and gluing them onto our body's!
ELA 1.2 Demonstrate Expressive Communication
ELA 1.3 Demonstrate ability to engage in conversations
SS1.1: Demonstrate development of self
SW1.1: Demonstrate self awareness and confidence
SW4.1: Demonstrate relationship skills
APL1.2: Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner
APL2.1: Demonstrate development of flexible thinking skills during play
APL3.1: Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
APL4.1: Demonstrate development of social interactions during play
CA3.2: Demonstrate creative expression through visual art production and presentation
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