Today, we began to prepare for our Tu B'Shvat event by collaborating with the Oak class on making trees. We began by looking at pictures of almond trees and reading a story about them. We read the story "Is it Tu B'Shvat Yet?" and then talked about all the different things that we do during this holiday. After this, we looked at printed pictures of tree trunks and discussed shapes we use to make them. We then came to our classroom with the Oak kiddos and began making trees. After we were all finished drawing pictures of trees together, we read the story "Happy Birthday, Trees".
ELA 1.3 Demonstrate ability to engage in conversations
ELA 2.4: Demonstrate comprehension
SC1.1: Demonstrate ability to explore objects in the physical world
SW4.1: Demonstrate relationship skills
APL3.1: Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
APL4.1: Demonstrate development of social interactions during play
CA3.1: Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process or experience
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