Monday, March 17, 2025

Planting Parsley and Pumpkin Seeds

 Today we talked about what plants need to grow and how to plant seeds! After talking about what plants need to grow, we used soil from our garden box in the outdoor classroom and chose which type of seeds we wanted to plant. We put soil in our cups, added the seeds and soil on top of the seeds. We then added water and put it in the sunlight. Now we will wait for the plants to begin sprouting before we replant them in our garden box in the outdoor classroom. 


ELA 1.3 Demonstrate ability to engage in conversations
 SC1.1: Demonstrate ability to explore objects in the physical world
 SC1.2: Demonstrate awareness of the physical properties of objects
 SC2.1: Recognize seasonal and weather related changes
 SC3.1: Demonstrate awareness of life
SC3.2: Demonstrate awareness of the preservation, protection, and care of living creatures and plants
 SC5.1: Demonstrate scientific curiosity

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Planting Parsley and Pumpkin Seeds

  Today we talked about what plants need to grow and how to plant seeds! After talking about what plants need to grow, we used soil from our...