Tuesday, January 21, 2025

How Old Are Our Teachers

 One of the most common questions a child asks their teacher every day is "How Old Are You?", and that is where this all begins. Every day, we discuss how old the teachers in the class are, as well as our parents and our friends. We talk about how almost our entire class is four years old! After coming back from winter break, children have been even more curious about how old their teachers are. Today, the teachers asked each student how old they think their teachers are. After writing the number, the children drew both of their teachers.


ELA 1.3 Demonstrate ability to engage in conversations

M1.2: Demonstrate understanding of written numerals

M2.1: Exhibit understanding of mathematical structure

SW4.1: Demonstrate relationship skills 

APL3.1: Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence

CA3.1: Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process or experience  

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