Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Number 8!

 Today was all about the number 8! Children explored the number 8 in a variety of ways. During free play, we counted out 8 on a picture, drew 8 of one thing, wrote the number and word 8, and used manipulatives to make a total of 8! 

Later in the day, we did show-and-tell about the number 8, by showing our friends what we brought from home with number 8 on it! 

After that, we also talked about how to add numbers to make the number 8! We also wrote the number 8 and the word eight.  


ELA 1.3 Demonstrate ability to engage in conversations

ELA 3.1: Demonstrate mechanics of writing

M1.1: Demonstrate strong sense of counting 

M1.2: Demonstrate understanding of written numerals 

M1.3: Recognition of number relations

SW1.1: Demonstrate self awareness and confidence

APL1.1: Demonstrate initiative and self-direction 

APL2.1: Demonstrate development of flexible thinking skills during play 

APL3.1: Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence

APL4.1: Demonstrate development of social interactions during play 


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